The purpose of the game is to provide a fun, satisfying and enjoyable experience for the player.
Ambushed in a black-and-white world, aqua must escape, avoiding any barricades blocking its colour.
The rules of this game are simple.
Use the WA or LEFT/RIGHT keys to move the player.
To pass a level, avoid the barricades by moving left and right.
Once a level is passed, the screen will read “Level Complete” and you will move onto the next level. The number of the level is featured on the screen at the top of the page. The distance travelled is also displayed.
If you fail a level, don’t worry, you'll be teleported back to the start of the current level. Once all levels are completed, you will be awarded with a credits screen.
For a pause menu with options to resume, quit or go back to the menu, press the escape or space button, pressing it again to make it go away.
The credits scene is featured with a back to the main menu button, a quit button and a restart button.
Enjoy ♡
I have started to attempt to load assests for my project. However, there have been issues that prevent me from doing this. When I try to load the school unity, the assets will not load. It is the 2017.4.14f1 version, the recommended version.
On my mac, I have downloaded the latest version, the 2018.3.4f1 version. I have installed assets on it, however, the game will not play when I click the play button.
I will try to install the recommended version onto my mac and also try to run the project on my home pc. I will try to sinc the versions and use the same version by storing the project onto a USB. When I get past the issues, I am confident that my project will turn out well as I have many ideas for it.
The past few days I have been working on my game and have gone very far in progress. I decided to not do my original idea as it was too complex and difficult. I am trying to think up of ideas to do for my project.
I have started to follow a tutorial by Brackeys: Blockathon.
Today I made extra levels for my game. I have almost finished and will add sound to my game soon. I am aiming to create twenty levels, with difficulty going up with each. I am very happy with the design of my game. I have also started creating my website using CodePen and it is going well.
I added a couple of levels to my game today. The levels are getting long so I have decided to have a total of fifteen levels, a nice, rounded number. I have drawn sketches for stages of the game that I want to create.
I have yet added sound, which I will do either on the weekends or the next lesson. When I have finished this, I will move on to bug testing, making the game difficulty perfect, getting opinions of others in order to improve my game and finishing my website.
Earlier, I had problems adding audio to my unity game. I am trying to fix these problems to ensure a full, smooth experience for my game.
Today I tested the levels and made some of them simpler, for a better experience for the player.
Today I added sound successfully and worked on my website. My website is under progress and I am making significant strides in completing it, unlike some of my peers. I am extremely happy with my progress. I am planning to create my game play instructions in a video format.
I worked on my website today, adding all the images to their blog entries. My diary is almost done as the required amount of entries is eight and I have done seven. I am excited to finally complete my diary.
Today I customised my website further, fixing any possible errors. I added a pause screen to my game and am currently working on adding all components of the project to my website, ensuring high-quality work of the highest standard. I am extremely happy with my work.
My game turned out mostly successful as I finished it weeks before it was due and ran into minimal problems along the journey. Although I have edited many items in the project, it was worth it to persevere and improve my game into what it is today.
At the start of the project, I had a plan of creating a unique first-person adventure game where you would have to hunt for objects and get destroyed by stepping in the wrong places. I browsed the unity store and was planning on using LiteLand for the ground and Kira for my player model, with other textures and models to complete it.
However, the assets wouldn’t load and I quickly realised that I would have to come up with a different idea in order to pass the assignment. I looked up unity tutorials and watched many before I came across one for a game idea I liked, Blockathon. This was very different from my original idea but the tutorial explained everything in great detail and deepened my understanding of unity. I drew sketches of what I thought the game should be.
I changed some settings in the game from the original design such as the fonts and colour schemes. I also added a “level” label which tells you what level you are on, something that wasn’t featured in the original tutorial. I added sound and sound effects from a different tutorial and featured them in my project. Errors came up for this but I fixed them and made sure that sound was running in my game. I also added an advanced pause menu from a completely different tutorial, utilising the most out of unity.
I created my website using html, css and javascript when website makers such as Weebly and Wix were recommended. I used visual studio and git to create my website which increased my experience in Web Design. This experience can be used in further job opportunities. Overall, my game functioned as intended although it didn’t match the original game idea. I am extremely satisfied with my final ending result and strongly believe that it is a successful project.
If I were to redo the game, I would take my time in making the project so that I could use all the class time to complete the assignment. I would also ask for more help from the teacher and other people in the class. This would ensure a better result and overall, a more enjoyable experience.